The H.A.C.K. Horse Sanctuary reg. ch. 1025157
Fun-Raising is probably the most difficult part of keeping the sanctuary running. Not everyone will be as passionate about the welfare of the horse as we are, and probably do not realise the problems and welfare issues we have to deal with. Whereas people can relate with cats and dogs as most homes have one, horses tend to be a rich mans game. Take racehorses, those who don't reach the racetrack or those that have finished their racing career, where do they all go, some end up in dire situations, such a sad sight, we have taken a few in at H.A.C.K. The mountain ponies, all the colts rounded up and sent to auction and/or slaughter because no body wants them...I could go on....
Any way if you would like to help us here at H.A.C.K. here are a few idea's for you to try...
Fund-Raising - Holding a fund-raising event, from coffee mornings, tea parties, cake stalls, or a sponsored event - dog walking, the marathon, jog along, or any other idea you may have. Your efforts are very important to us and the future of all the horses, ponies and donkeys
Donations - Regular donations, helps the day to day running of the centre and this support is crucial to our work, all cheques mad payable to H.A.C.K. and sent to the office address alternatively you can donate on line. www.justgiving.com/hackhorse/donate
Remembering H.A.C.K. in your will. Your generosity can last beyond your own lifetime and help ensure the ongoing care and protection of our rescued horses, ponies and donkey's. Remembering the sanctuary in your will is a wonderful way to give us your support and leave a lasting legacy that will help us to help horses for generations to come. Whether your gift is small or large it can really make a big difference to the welfare of the horse and H.A.C.K.
Sponsoring a Horse, Pony or Donkey, Pig or goat or even a stable from individual persons to companies, please support us
How ever you choose to help, we thank you so very much
H.A.C.K. Fund-Raising at the Sanctuary
Every year we hold two Open Day's with Dog Shows, here are a few photos.
Animal Welfare charities and Trusts that have supported H.A.C.K. in 2020
The Elise Pilkington Charitable Trust have awarded us a grant for building work.
The Barry Green Memorial Fund gave a donation for running costs